Contractors - Are you registered with the City?
Contractors applying for a permit through this portal MUST be registered with the City of Green Cove Springs to pull permits. To register, e-mail
Certificates of insurance should list City of Green Cove Springs (Address: 321 Walnut St, Green Cove Springs, FL 32043) as the certificate holder.
How long does it take for my application to be reviewed?
Online Portal applications are handled within the same timeframes of applications submitted in person or via e-mail. Over-the-counter permits will still be issued same day when feasible. Building applications requiring review will take 1-2 weeks generally. Planning applications follow their own specific timeline.
Please allow one business day for administrative review of your building permit application or business tax receipt application. Please allow one week for administrative review of your planning permit application.
When are inspections available?
Inspections requested via the portal must be input prior to 7AM on the requested date; otherwise, they will be on the next business day. The City inspects Monday through Thursday during regular business hours. Requested times are not guaranteed.
Submitting an application to this portal does not permit work to begin immediately. A permit must be issued prior to work beginning.
All submissions / information provided to this portal are a matter of public record.